Emphasis Of Homework In Evolving Education System

by Bella Williams May 05, 2016

What Mom Never Told You About Homework

Thinking of the education system without the concept of homework is like thinking about Sherlock Holmes’ mysteries without Dr. Watson. Homework has always been an educational tradition. It does give rise to debates, but is something that can never be eliminated from a student’s life. However, as the culture & pace of life continues to change. Different family traditions undergo explicit changes. This homework too sort of becomes more of a headache for both teachers and students.

Homework Overload

Parents keep on registering complaints with school administration about the amount of homework given to children. On the other hand, students on their part detest working on assignments at home and keep on inventing modern excuses to avoid it. Homework can be looked upon both as a necessary activity to ensure that students get to practice the skills they have acquired at school. It also becomes an irritating compulsion because it takes away the time that children could use to do other fun activities.

So a thought does cross the mind if there a way out of this mess where homework stays a part of the system without children hating it. Let’s see if we find it.


Homework should ideally encourage critical thinking


In a research article by Robert Marzano and Debra Pickering, the need to improve the instructional quality of homework was highlighted. To improve the instructional quality of homework, some easy changes can be made. Parents should be made aware of the lessons that were taught in class and the teacher can announce the upcoming events for their benefit. The teacher can pose questions concerning lessons that have been taught in school that day and students should ideally be able to answer these. The teacher can also provide a reading log after this questionnaire and lists of spelling words along with some basic mathematical problems. An effort should be made that the homework package must bear relevance and connection with what has been done in school.

Parents Participation In Understanding The Student

Parent teaching a KidFor students of any age, the whole exercise should not take a very long time and they are left with enough time to spend with their family.Parents must monitor the amount of homework their child does on a daily basis to see how much time they take to do this.


Students will get individualized timelines in keeping with their personal goals


So, the parent simply has to ensure that the child reads and, learns how to spell words pronounce them and practice basic math skills. Besides differentiated and individualized practice opportunities, students will get individualized timelines in keeping with their personal goals. There should be evenings without homework too, so that the student can enjoy quality time with his family to play outdoor games and board games or simply take walks with their parents.

Evolution Of Present Day Homework

Home Work on A Tab The approach towards homework has shifted to helping it evolve the educational system. Today the emphasis is on a purposeful practice which has links with what is taught in class. This must reflect a better balance between the teacher and student giving the students the freedom to practice skills at home. To conclude, therefore homework needs to be emphasized because it is an integral part of a student’s learning process.

Relevancy of Homework

Homework should help not hinder

Sometimes both parents and students may find or they feel that excess homework is being assigned or the homework provided is irrelevant. But the majority of studies carried out in this connection have proved that when a student completes homework assignments it contributes positively to his academic achievement; it inculcates self-discipline, time management skills, organizational skills, independence and responsibility, and positive study habits.

Homework should ideally encourage critical thinking; they should be just enough to ensure that the child has been able to follow his lessons in school.

Further Aspects Of Homework

A student types on a Brailler machineAs Robert Marzano suggests, they should ask their children what they learn at school to make sure they are following the school lessons. Children with learning disabilities may actually benefit from a homework plan. There are times when a student requires help with assignment because it may be completely new for him to do by himself.

Or sometimes some mathematics problems are real tough ones to understand. That moment a student should get some help with their assignments, maybe from his parents or from a tutor. It is important to realize that homework is an inexpensive method to improve a student’s academic preparation without changing the curriculum or increasing staff.

Learn How To Write Better Assignments For Your University Course

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