How I made my Poster Presentation as a Nursing Student

by Bella Williams June 24, 2020

The effective configuration of poster presentation highly warranted by the nursing students in the context of developing their nursing, clinical as well as writing skills during the course of studentship. With this concept in mind, I utilized help with writing nursing assignments from a professional agency in effectively developing the poster presentation for its subsequent assessment by the examiner. This essay-help significantly assisted me in accomplishing the poster presentation module of the nursing diary coursework. The poster presentation developed with the assistance of nursing assignment writing service by a professional agency proved as a source of knowledge dissemination across my nursing fraternity. I executed the following steps in developing the poster presentation.

  • I effectively selected the layout and format of the poster presentation in accordance with the prescribed requirement stipulated in my academic curriculum.
  • I evaluated the guidelines and conventions related to the academic requirement while designing the structure of the desirable poster. Assistance with nursing assignment writing from an experienced academician necessarily warranted in developing an effective poster presentation.
  • Poster preparation guidelines advocated the utilization of any of poster types attributing to easel, roll-up, modular or tabletop in configuring the poster presentation. Poster size was selected in accordance with the information that I required to present in front of the examiners.
  • The content of the poster resembled the abstract that I had prepared for presentation. However, the poster rationally displayed the framework of the abstract and provided insight regarding the thoughts and conventions that I required to present in front of the audience.
  • Indeed, my poster exhibited nursing care conventions and did not include any research finding and therefore, it excluded the description of research methods, results and discussion of the corresponding implications that might require inclusion when a research study is presented in poster format.


Nursing Poster Presentation


  • I utilized the Microsoft PowerPoint template and graphic design recommended by my fraternity for developing the poster presentation. Furthermore, I used “less is more” design while configuring the poster presentation in the context of appropriately displaying the content with the available space.
  • I uniformly incorporated blank space between the texts for enhancing the readability of the appended content. Indeed, I used simple and descriptive language for retaining the interests of the readers in viewing the poster presentation. I also utilized back arrows for taking the reader back to the previous location in the context of maintaining the logical flow of content.
  •  The utilization of visual images in the poster presentation enhanced its viability so that I could receive more attention from the readers. I configured the poster in such a manner that the size of the title letters remained between 15 – 20 points and the size of the content attributed to 12 points throughout the poster presentation. Indeed, this skill related to nursing assignment writing required by the nursing students while attempting to develop a poster presentation.
  • I utilized Arial (non-serif) font while writing the titles on the poster. The serif Courier font was used to configure the small remaining content across the body of the poster. I did not use uppercase letters in entirety while preparing the poster presentation.
  • The green and blue colours were incorporated in the poster presentation as they generate a soothing effect among the readers. Indeed, my peers, friends, classmates and colleagues assisted me considerably in configuring the poster presentation for the semester session.
  • In my program-based presentation, I innovatively described the content and provided an outline of the objectives for the audience. I elaborated the content in a logical manner and explained the outcomes at the end of the presentation.
  • I related the implications of the content with the effective enhancement of nursing education and practice. I also provided recommendations in relation to the effective utilization of the provided information for the nursing community.
  • I utilized 30% graphics, 30% text and 40% white space while developing the poster presentation. I added an explicit conclusion and in-text references and citations in the context of validating the evidence-based facts incorporated in the poster presentation.
  • I prepared the poster presentation in such a manner that it remained readable from a distance of three – feet for the readers. The bullet points and bold fonts utilized for demarcating the significant content across the poster presentation. Finally, I successfully presented the poster and was able to impress the examiners with my perspectives through the posted content.

Poster Making LayoutNursing Poster Presentation

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