
by Bella Williams June 21, 2016

Popular Questions for Linguistics Assignment Help

Evaluate the relationship between language and cognition in light of one of the following areas:
1. The way in which language is stored in the mind
2. The way in which metaphors aid understanding of the surrounding world
3. The relationship between language, gesture and embodied cognition
4. An aspect of first or second language acquisition order now button 100*30 Live Chat Button 55*30


DiSC personality test assignment-need to write the inferences of the personality test outcomes and then complete the assignment in 250 words

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Need to answer questions based on Week 8 Tutorial Dead Sea scrolls
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Review on subcultures & the odd case of Seo Taiji & Boys.
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An analysis of Slowly, Cancer Genes Tender TheirSecrets from The New York Times using the theory of Conceptual Blending
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Analysis on
1. Old Delhi walking tour
2. Trekking in Bay of Fundy

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Teaching Spoken Language – a Literature Review
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Topics involved are clauses, structural relation and binding theory (SYNTAX).
1. Consider sentences (a) – (e) below and answer the following questions:
(i) Underline the main verb (i.e. the lexical verb) in each clause.
(ii) Decide which is the root/matrix clause in each example. Bold its main verb.
(iii) Give at least one piece of evidence for root/matrix clause status.
(iv) Determine if the embedded clauses (when applicable) are subject clauses, complements or adjuncts. Briefly explain your decision.

a. Jim can’t believe that the man with the Martini is James Bond.
b. Max knows it’s unhealthy but he still ate two deep-fried Mars bars.
c. Since you speak Dothraki so well, we want to hire you to act in Game of Thrones.
d. To become an Olympic athlete takes years of intensive training.
e. Fiona thinks that Max bought a copy of Syntactic Structures so that he can impress Lilly.
2. Draw a tree for sentence (b) in question (1) (Note: do not use X-bar tree representations in this assignment). Consider the pronoun/pro-form “it”. What does “it” binds to (i.e. what does “it” stand for)? Describe its binding domain and state what principle of binding theory is involved here.
3. Answer questions (i) and (ii) below before you attempt (iii) and (iv). Consider the (rather peculiar) words ever and anything exemplified in the following sentences (also called ‘Negative Polarity Items’ or NPIs):
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How do we explain the ferocity of the attack mounted against Korea’s “New Women” authors? To what extent was it related to Korea’s colonized status, and how much is due to the radicalism as well as the limitations of the women’s own version of feminism? In your answer make reference to Kim Wônju’s short story The Death of A Girl.
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Essay –
1. Compare the Japanese use of Chinese characters with that of Korean. In your essay you should discuss and compare the number used, how they are used, how their usage has fluctuated through the ages, how crucial to the written language they are, and how seriously they are viewed by native speakers as being part of an educated person’s knowledge.
2. Japanese kana and Korean hangeul: What does each system shows about the innate linguistic knowledge of the people who developed them?
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Essay – What are the advantages and disadvantages of this spread? What is lost when a language
disappears? Is there any reason why we should consider British English more correct than Singaporean English? Why do we see both common features across the ‘new Englishes’ and also very particular local features?
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Research Proposal – Exploring EFL learners’ vocabulary learning strategies
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AP Literature and Composition
Semester I Final Essay
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A CRITICAL ESSAY OF THE TEXTS -“The Question of Translation in Taiwanese Colonial Cinematic Space,”
“Benshi as Stars: The Irony of the Popularity and Respectability of Voice Performers in Japanese Cinema”
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Analysis and comparison of scholarly articles – Research question should be based in the area “Second language learning and acquisition in young children”

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Devise a small-scale study to investigate the use of English in a non-English-speaking country or community, limiting your investigation to a specific context or domain (e.g. a particular urban linguistic landscape; print or website advertising; social media chat…). Carry out the study and write it up as a report, in which you should:
• Position your study in relation to relevant literature.
• Specify your aim(s), research question(s) and/or any hypothesis to be tested.
• Outline and justify your method(s) of data collection and analysis.
• Report and discuss your findings.
• Critically evaluate your project (design, method, etc.) and, where appropriate, make recommendations for future research.
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Literature Essay
Anne Allison-MaleGaze, MacWilliams_JapaneseComics_Religion
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A. Audiotape a lesson or part of a lesson with a class, a small group of students or an individual student.
B. Transcribe a SHORT section of this tape (not more than two pages single space).
C. Comment on anything you see as significant for student learning, and student language development in particular, and reflect critically on your own role or the teacher’s role.
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Check the grammar and rephrase the sentences
These 3 sentences will be used for the content of the pompeii animation video that I have made (to explain the pompeii), can you check the grammar and check the words flow correctly or rephrase it to the better sentences?
– The city which was the center of agriculture and commerce and the recreation place of Rome nobilities.

– But which has destroyed and buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

– Pompeii, the rome city which had gotten buried in volcanic ashes.

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1. Do all languages use (a) voicing, (b) places of articulation and (c) manners of articulation in the same way as what we see in English?
2. Discuss an example of allophonic variation in English, including an account of any phonetic conditioning of this variation.
3. Explain the following statement: the English word have is both a grammatical and lexical free morpheme. Can you think of another example that works this way in English?
4. McGregor (2009) states: “The structure of sentences is hierarchical. Words in a sentence go together to form groups of intermediate sizes – clauses and phrases – identified by criteria of movability, contractability and ambiguity’. Explain this statement, and provide your own examples that illustrate the key points.
5. Give an example of a linguistic variable in a language you know (one that is different from the examples mentioned in the lecture slides), and explain how you would design a research project to investigate it. 9. How does language index identity?
6. What are some phonetic and grammatical features of non-standard varieties of Australian English spoken by non-Aboriginal Australians?
7. Discuss the following statement: The world’s languages exhibit both unity and diversity.
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(Essay Topic)
If we define happiness as subjective wellbeing, which of the following factors has the greatest impact on happiness? Wealth, Relationships, Virtue.
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Students will write a 2000 (max) word essay based on visiting three places of worship in Brisbane or elsewhere, comparing and contrasting the services based on theory and your observations using the criteria and suggestions outlined below.
Your task is to write about your observations of others and their actions ( not your own feelings) that create meaning for the participants and that may follow a particular ‘pathway’ of transcendence (or self-transcendence).
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Our profession has emerged into an era of understanding a vast number of language teaching contexts and an even larger number of student needs, learning styles and affective traits’ (Brown, 2002, p.9).
In an essay of 2000 words, describe and discuss the key features of one named contemporary approach to second language teaching (SLT) then contrast it to a more traditional approach. (Observe academic conventions in essay writing)
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An analysis and interpretation of text, with a focus on ideational and textual meanings.

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Differing strategies towards loanwords in the Korean language of the two Koreas (South Korea and North Korea).
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Rework assignment: revise the complete dissertation {12000 words} according his professor comment word by word inside the first-complete-draft-Ali file.
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In 2006, the Deputy Prime Minister, Peter Costello, made an anti-Shari’ ah statement telling those who want to practice Shari’ah that Australia is not the place to do so and, therefore, must move else where. Similarly, various federal and state politicians exploited the anti-Shari,ah sentiment in the society to gain votes in election campaigns.
Do you think that Shari’ah is a treat to the Australian way of life? Discuss
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(1) Cross-linguistic differences in grammar (2) Variation in Australian English

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TOPIC- It has been claimed that Australia is the most Americanised nation in the world. Discuss
Follow an essay structure format, with no sub-headings, it must have introduction, body and conclusion. Minimum 4 references please use Chicago style referencing (footnotes)
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Essay – English as an International Language
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Interview one of your students, and record all the texts they read on an average day in the table provided for you. Observe the types of text your interviewee engages with on a daily basis, and consider how these texts reflect their literacy lives. Guiding questions will be provided for the essay. [*If you do not have access to students at the moment, you can interview one of your classmates/colleagues/family members/friends].
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How did the UK go from merchantilism, to the free market ideas of Adam Smith, on to the managed economy of John Maynard Keynes, only to move back to the free market of Friedrich von Hayek?”
The topic for this semester will be to chart the rise and fall of the mixed economy in the United Kingdom. I would start with a basic thought in mind: “How did the UK go from merchantilism, to the free market ideas of Adam Smith, on to the managed economy of John Maynard Keynes, only to move back to the free market of Friedrich von Hayek?
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Provide a short critique of New York Times columnist David’s Brook’s “The Inequality Problem” (16 Jan)
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Based on an evidentiary basis from the study package material and other sources including the literature, the Internet and, if applicable, your workplace experience:
1. Do you agree with the proposition that mere compliance with WH&S legislation is not enough to improve safety performance?
2. Do you agree that safety culture and safety leadership have the capacity to improve safety performance beyond what safety management systems can achieve?
3. Either, if you agree, argue, based on evidence, how can safety culture do so and which attributes of a safety culture approach and safety leadership are the most valuable in improving safety performance: Or;
4. If you don’t agree, argue, based on evidence, why safety culture does not impact positively on improving safety.
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Critically compare two texts (Hamlet and Oedipus the king)
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Evaluate the relationship between language and cognition in light of one of the following areas:
1. The way in which language is stored in the mind
2. The way in which metaphors aid understanding of the surrounding world
3. The relationship between language, gesture and embodied cognition
4. An aspect of first or second language acquisition
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Do research to find English loanwords of Chinese origin, and Chinese loanwords of English origin.
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Essay – Aotearoa: dominant representations (representation of Maori by Pakeha) or negotiated representations (representation of Maori by Maori, within a Pakeha dominant framework) or indigenous representations (representation of Maori by Maori, working in a Maori framework).
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Text Portfolio-Theory and Practice of Literacy
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What part of the work of a theorist studied in the course really interests you (for example, Marx on class, dialectical materialism, religion, and superstructure/structure)? Why? Use primary sources and the debates in the academic literature to defend your interest.
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Introduction to the Study of Language Development

  1. How is a person’s language development recognized? some indicators of language development: grammar, lexis, phonology
  2. How is the study of L1 development different to the study of L2 development? The special role of one’s mother tongue
  3. How does a child’s L2 develop? Some empirical studies of L1 development: examples of developmental sequences

Key concepts and terms: grammar, syntax, morphology, lexis, phonology, phonemes, semiotic system, content words, function words


Required reading:

Lightbrown & Spada (2013) chapter 1 Language learning in early childhood: pp 5-14

Halliday(1993) Towards a language-based theory of learning: pp 93-105

Developing the Mother Tongue

  1. How does schooling impact on L1 development? the significance of literacy
  2. So how does the L1 of children develop? Key theories of language development: behaviorism, innatism.
  3. So how does L1 of children develop? Key theories of Language development: cognitive, contructivism, social constructivism.

Key concepts and terms: literacy, grammatical metaphors, behaviorism, conditioning, innativism, universal grammar, language acquisition device, Critical Period Hypothesis, nature vs nurture, contructivism, stages of cognitive development, cognitive development, social contructivism, zone of proximal development, scaffolding.


Required reading:

Halliday (1993) Towards a language-based theory of learning: pp 109-116

Lightbown & spada (2013) chapter 1 Language learning in early childhood: pp 14-29

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