Secrets of getting good grades

by Admin Support October 11, 2014

1. Attend classes regularly: No matter how boring it may sound and how difficult it might be to wake up or even if you have to miss some parties, make sure you are attending every class.

2. Organize yourself: Problems are big because we make them big. Dividing problems in small parts and managing them individually is the art of organizing yourself. Use a student planner: take this to each class and record all assignments. Also use your planner to keep track of tests and quizzes, activities and appointments.

  • Break down assignments: Break your assignment in smaller part as per the “tasks to be done”. Now complete them in small portions.
  • Save often when using a computer: Make specific folders and keep saving files when you are working.
  • Color code: Color code your files or notes. This will save a lot of time and avoid confusion
  • Neat study area: Keep your study table clean and spacious. An empty space gives a lot of comfort and ease.

3. Time management: A big part of organizing yourself is a time management. These small things will help you a lot

  • Don’t over stretch: Fix a time for everything and don’t stretch it even if you want it more.
  • Make to do list: It’s always a good idea to make a list before attempting it. You will be surprised to realize that if you would not maintain a to do list, you will not be able to allot sufficient time.
  • Take breaks: Always have space for breaks in between your study session.


Here are the secrets of getting good grades in your college and University courses


4. Try to excel in class: Don’t misunderstand it with becoming a topper of the class, but take it as competing with yourself. Small things can bring out this change in you.

  • Always sit in the front row in class: No matter how age old it might sound, but it is true…  Sitting in the front row in class has more space for concentration mainly because you have a good eye contact with your tutor and because you can not see any notorious things happening in the class.
  • Participate in questions and answers: Listen to other’s questions and try to think of its answer. Try to give you value additions in the discussions.
  • Be on time to reach your class

5. Knowing how to read your text book: Most of the time, our textbooks are boring because we do not know how to read it properly. A good way to read a text book is SCAN, READ and REVIEW.

  • SCAN: Always scans the text book from start to end. This includes reading the topics and headings, observing pictures and special symbols. This will make you comfortable with the book and will give you an overall picture of the topic.
  • READ: Read with a sense of achievement and think of what you will know at the end of the text. It is very important to appreciate what you have read and not to take it casually. It will remain in your mind for a longer period of time.
  • REVIEW: Do not forget to go back to the topics when you are reading it. Reviewing is a very important factor. It improves retention to up to 40 %.

Hope this was helpful to you. Emily Parker.

Learn How To Write Better Assignments For Your University Course
