Ultimate Referencing Guide for Assignments

by Bella Williams June 24, 2020

What Your Teacher Never Told You About Referencing in an Assignment

Actually, you will get to realize that there are some pertinent reasons why a certain referencing style is followed –

  1. Referencing is important because when you read and research, you will come across multiple ideas and theories.
  2. These have to be explained and developed further through your own arguments in your assignment.
  3. It is essential that you give credit to such ideas that you have read about.
  4. When you take someone else’s idea and state these as if they were your original ideas, matter of fact you engage in illegal plagiarism.
  5. It is imperative that you recognize the work of others; else you will be found to be guilty of plagiarism.
  6. Resultant your assignments will not fetch you the high grades you require for a brilliant career ahead.


You will follow the same principles as you would have with other sources


Experts with assignment help are always there to guide you through this process of referencing the work of others that you have read while doing your research. Your instructor will use this referencing list to go through whatever you have written in your assignment. In doing so, they may also chance upon some facts that they may not know about

So, referencing is basically used to recognize the author’s ownership; it is a good indicator of the amount of research you have undertaken in producing the assignment. Referencing offers evidence to justify your opinions and theories and it also allows your readers to return to the original sources to know more about those ideas.

Ultimate Referencing Guide for Assignments

Referencing has been always necessary;

  • You will need to reference the ideas and opinions of others, regardless of whether you have found these on websites or journals, newspapers or books.
  • You have to include direct quotes of some authors in your writing at times; you may also need to include tables and diagrams, images and photographs.

However, you will not need to reference when you mention your own ideas that you may have published earlier or some fact that is common knowledge. Writing assignments is not an easy task and you may need assistance.

You are expected to use theories, ideas, word-for-word quotes and figures and facts which are definitely not your own. When you include direct quotations, it looks good because it proves that you have actually read the sources. However, when you are confident of being able to paraphrase this quote, you should do that and not make use of a direct quotation.

When you summarize someone else’s thought in your own words, you still require referencing since this becomes an indirect quotation. Ideas that you may use while writing an assignment can come from books, websites and articles in newspapers and journals. Such sources of information that you have used have to be part of your referencing list. So, when you are practicing referencing, you are actually practicing academic integrity.

Ultimate Referencing Guide for Assignments

Different Referencing Styles

The referencing styles which are commonly used for citing sources of information include data, author, title, volume and edition, URL etc. Every style comes with its own manual and there are multiple referencing styles like Chicago, Harvard, APA, and Vancouver. There is however no “correct” referencing style for you.

When you get experts for assistance in assignments, you can get their guidance to choose the right referencing style for your essay or assignment. Different styles have been introduced to match the requirements or preferences of different publishing houses. Each comes with its own rules regarding what information the student must include, how that must be presented and the order in which they must be presented.


Add some additional details for identification purposes


Incidentally, you may also be worried about breaking referencing rules. You must remember that your instructor is more concerned about your understanding of the concept of adding references and how you apply referencing rules and not so much whether you miss a small punctuation mark or a quote.

Ultimate Referencing Guide for Assignments

Online Referencing

When you use online sources as your references, you will follow the same principles as you would have with other sources, except that you add some additional details for identification purposes. This is necessary to add credibility to the sources and to allow the information to be retrieved. As a good rule followed by assignment experts that is whether your online source is indeed reliable or not, also is a matter of concern.

When you choose formal print publications, they are usually reliable because they have been evaluated and reviewed. But there are also online materials that are posted by Internet surfers which may not be reliable. To understand whether these sources are trustworthy you can try to find out more about the purpose of the material, its target audience, the people controlling the content such as the site owner, the expertise of the website owner, whether the materials are up-to-date and whether they are permanent.

Learn How To Write Better Assignments For Your University Course


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