What Are The Different Classroom Assessment Techniques Used In Your University?

by Bella Williams June 24, 2020

Classroom Assessment Techniques

A simple tool used as a measure to improve teacher and student understanding on student’s development and progress in a class is referred to as Classroom Assessment Technique. It is usually an anonymous activity and a non-graded tool. Measures of the tool, majorly, is used in tweaking classroom processes and activities for betterment of the students. So lets find out the different assessment techniques below.

Benefits of using CATs?

The benefits identified in regard to Classroom Assessment Technique is higher as compared to a single text or exam. This is so because the assessment is over a period of time and not specific to a particular question, subject or topic.

To list out, a few benefits would be-

  1. Attaining feedback, which is quick and in line with just-in time teaching methodology benefits in taking improvement leaps. The process promotes fast and easy content transfer. It also helps in learning new knowledge from past experience based on understanding of appropriate of knowledge. There are many exercises that promotes the teaching technique in class.
  2. Understanding student’s capability like key skills, weaknesses, strengths is easier to be observed through various activities as in class.
  3. Such assessments help students be more active in class promoting higher learning and involvement.
  4. The tutor’s involvement is evident and also the bond between tutor and student develops with understanding between student and tutor. This benefits his/her student by grasping view point of tutor and writing accordingly in assignments. And help tutor to judge students better on grounds of knowledge capture capabilities.

Let’s find out about the different types of CATs

The Classroom Assessment technique has many tools under it, that are used by tutor. Some prominent tools which depict different types of CATs are as discussed below-

One Minute Paper

This refers to a writing activity done as part of a class assessment. The tutor asks questions to be answered prompts by students related to a particular lesson or session. Such an activity promotes two-way understanding. The student understands the important questions and points of a lesson. The tutor on the other hand, understands how much the students have learnt from the lesson. Also, the feedback given by student can be used for developing better class sessions.

Read out all that you need to know about “One Minute Paper”.

Muddiest Point

Muddies Point is among the simplest assessment where the tutor makes an effort to collect feedback of any particular lesson, homework or assignment by asking students to write about the point that was not clear in the entire session or chapter. Based on the collected feedback, the next session is planned as a solution. Also, this gives a chance of revision of major sections for all students helping create o hold on the subject or topic.


Benefits identified in regard to CAT is higher as compared to a single text or exam


Problem Recognition Tasks

Understanding of this Problem Recognition Task can be done by this example.

Documented Problem Solving

With an aim to enhance meta-cognition, Documented Problem Solving is used as a classroom assessment tool. As per the process every student is asked to note down the steps they have taken in a problem solving exercise. The presented steps are cross-checked by the tutor and detailed feedback is furnished to the student. Better attitude and ideas to resolve problem are discussed in the class.

Directed Paraphrasing

The tool is unique in the way it is featured. With all other tools, where the teacher is accountable, here in case, accountability is transferred to the student. In process of class lectures, tutors assign students taught points to be explained in their own words. Every student is made to paraphrase concepts promoting their understanding. This keeps the student’s attention class intact and it is in class itself that the teacher understands where the student is failing to understand correctly. There and then corrective understanding is discussed in the class.

Related read for Directed Paraphrasing on Lansing Community College website

Student-Generated exam questions

A very appropriate way to manage a class and make them active in class is making them participate in the student generated exam questions. As per this, the student is given the freedom to frame questions and use tools like Bloom’s to brainstorm and use cognitive thinking ability. At the same time questions prepared by the tutor is assessed against the online assignment solution submitted by student.


Benefits identified in regard to CAT is higher as compared to a single text or exam


Classroom opinion polls

Digital space has picked up high pace like twitter polls. On random topics, related to course usually, classroom opinion polls are conducted to promote constructive conflict that helps come up with diverse ideas. This not only promotes student involvement but also promotes clear understanding. The tutor also comes to clearly the understanding of every student. The questions and topics are usually framed with answers either as yes or no, or with Likert scale. Even multiple choice questions functions good for such an assessment tool.

So we hope that you have now got a picture about what kind of assessment techniques would be used at your university. We have tried our best to find the most useful information for you to get a grasp on.

We hope you do better next time when you are facing any assignments in your university.

Learn How To Write Better Assignments For Your University Course


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