Process essay-Types of Essays

by Admin Support March 02, 2016

Process Essay – Types of Essays

Process essay are those types of essay in which the writer tells how to do something or explains how something is done. It gives a step-by-step description of a process that gradually progress to a surprising and projected results. The process can be either actual or conceptual. The name of a process essay needs to be enough information so that the reader can easily guess what kind of process will be discussed in it. Thus the main aim of such writing is to explain one particular process in such a way that will leave no questions in the reader’s mind.

There are two types of process essays

  1. Directional process essays

    This type of essays gives instructions for how to do a specific task. It often gives an account of equipments or supplies and contains time-order words like first, second, next, etc.

  2. Informational process essays

    This type of essays describes or inspects a process. It needs innovative writing.

The best thing about this type of essays is that it can be very helpful. When the reader finishes reading the essay, he will come to know how to do something which he was not aware before reading the essay.

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Features of a process essay

  • The approach of writing totally depends on the readers for whom it is being written.
  • It is generally written chronologically.
  • Each level is explained in different paragraphs.
  • The explanation of each level should be clear and accurate.
  • Transitional words or phrases should be used to maintain continuity between two paragraphs or levels.
  • Do not number the levels.
  • Imperative sentences should be avoided or else the essay will end up with an educational manual and not an essay.

How to plan a Process essay

  • Divide a sheet of paper by drawing a line from the middle and making two columns. Name first column as ‘materials’ and the other as ‘steps’.
  • Think and write down every item and steps in the columns without worrying about the order.
  • After noting down all points, start numbering the steps.
  • Finally, write an outline of the process essay.

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How to revise a Process essay

  • While revising your process writing, think about the readers who will be reading your essay.
  • Ask yourself whether you have chosen an appropriate introduction. Do not presume that your readers already have knowledge about the topic.
  • Ask yourself whether you have provided enough explanations.

How to write a Process essay

  • Introduction

Tell what the process is and why it is essential. Here the writer should disclose the main goal of the process without giving any details. He has to explain the actual meaning of the process and its usage in day to day life. Basic history can be given. By reading the introduction, the reader can learn in which aspect he can implement this knowledge.

  • Body

Discuss in details the main idea of the essay. The number of paragraphs in the body depends on the number of levels or stages of the process. Each level should explain a definite goal and also should have all the essential details. The levels should be presented in a valid order.

  • Conclusion

The concluding paragraph is generally short. It declares the result of the process. The reader gets an idea of what they can do next time if they face the same problem mentioned in the introduction. In conclusion, the writer can warn the reader about the hazards involved if the levels are not followed in the order and also can propose advices of how to overcome those problems.

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Many academic writings have some parts which are descriptive or narrative , and other parts which are persuasive  or critical.

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Process essays generally pursue the time order i.e. they start up with the first level in the process and advances with time till they reach to the last level of the process. Thus the use of transitional words signifies that one level is completed and a new level will begin. Be cautious in using the right punctuation with each transition. Here are some transitional words that are used in a process essay.

  • Later
  • Immediately following
  • Afterwards
  • Initially
  • At last
  • In the end
  • In the meantime
  • First of all
  • Formerly
  • Eventually
  • Meanwhile
  • In the future
  • Currently
  • After a few hours
  • Before this
  • During

Here are a few examples of Process essays:-

  • Process of Floor Maintenance
  • The Process of Gas Metal Arc Welding
  • How to name a cow
  • The Process of DNA Replication
  • How to write a good essay
  • Preparing dinner for the In-laws
  • Bathing a large dog
  • Preparing a pumpkin pudding
  • How to travel with a small child
  • The process of Baptism


Other articles under blog series of “Types of Academic Essays”

  1. Essay and its forms
  2. Descriptive essay
  3. Definition essay
  4. Cause/effect essay
  5. Narrative essay
  6. Process essay
  7. Argumentative essay
  8. Critical essay

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