Information Security

Industry Research Paper Assignment 4

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Word Count

2000 words


Information Security


5 Days

Assignment Criteria


This assignment continuous the story of the two organisations you had selected in the first assignment (preliminary work) and uses the basis of the second assignment (research paper 1) and the third assignment (research paper 2).  

In this fourth assignment (research paper 3) you now need to address how these two organisations' network infrastructure can be impacted by the new era of Big Data.

Structure of research paper

The reading of the journal papers for your assignment, the Essay, has already provided you with good understanding on how a paper is written. When you write your research paper, you will be addressing it to the specific situation of your organisation. However, imagine that you would want to publish it in a journal so that other organisations can also think about your guidelines.

Organise your research paper in the following way:

  • Title (you are required to provide your paper's title)
  • Your name and student number
  • Abstract (about 100 words)
  • Introduction
  • Body context (you could divide into several sub-sections if required)
  • Conclusion
  • References.

The word-count limit for the introduction, body and conclusion of this paper is set at about 2,000 words. Use five (5) or more resources for your citing and referencing in Harvard style.  Make sure to provide the name of the organisation as well as the URL, values, vision, and mission statement.

Please note that all assessment items in this course must adhere to the correct Harvard citing and referencing.  For this purpose links have been provided to you on the study desk. However, you can consult the library web site for further details and clarifications.

Submission requirements

Submit your assignment via your study desk.  Please note that the link will be visible to you only when the assignment is due. Do not email the essay to the course leader. If you are unable to upload, notify the course leader of the issue so that it may be resolved so that you can upload the assessment.

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Executive Summary

Westpac as an established player within the financial services factors is expected to achieve a number of advantages from big data implementation. Appropriate communication and information technology tools need to be built for handling the large volume of data, high traffic, variety, and velocity. Network availability, latency, and scalability will be some of the important considerations during the design phase. Most importantly, the business intelligence tools need to be effectively integrated to gain the advantages from the key insights for decision making. Similarly, Foodland in its big data implementation would have to consider some important aspects like, effectively integrating the data collection points, employing Hadoop file handling system for organization and processing, and finally making the best use of data mining applications for arriving at key insights. 


Company URL:

Mission and values

The mission of Westpac is to build a strong reputation with respect to enabling their customers to reach their financial goals. The company operates on the core value that by making use of an adequate mix of growth, returns, and productivity, it would build a strong brand name within the financial services industry. 

Impact of Big data on network infrastructure 

Implementation of big data within the existing customer management system of Westpac will have a number of implications for the communication and networking infrastructure which the company has. As a financial organization, Westpac would make the following important uses of big data (, 2015):

  • It would allow Westpac to collect, store, and analyze more granular information with regard to the products, people, and transactions 
  • It would improve the reliance on collaboration tools, email and mobile devices to communicate with business partners. 
  • It would allow the creation, collection, and analysis of all forms of sensor-generated information, at extremely high volume.

Westpac already operates in consumer banking and financial services sector and thus it has a pre-existing base of data warehouses and Business intelligence applications. Deployment of big data capabilities can assist in better anticipating customer needs, as they would include data reservoirs for building up more predictive capabilities and gaining better agility (, 2015). With respect to the communication and networking architectural arrangement of big data implementation. 

As can be seen in Figure 1 above, data collected from various streams are organized, stored, analyzed to make meaningful insights for better business management. The execution part of the infrastructure explains the operational aspects of data management, while innovation par explains the discoveries for better operations. 

In order to understand the best communication and networking technologies needed and infrastructural elements required for the implementation, we would need to consider some important factors as explained below (Gandomi & Haider, 2015). 

  • The desired processing method needed by Westpac: It could be in the form of prediction, query, ad-hoc reports, and data analytics. 
  • The format and frequency in which Westpac would require data: It could be real-time or periodic on-demand. 
  • The data type: It could be human-generated, biometric, internal or legacy, social media data etc. 
  • The consumer applications needed: It could be enterprise applications or simple web browser.

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